Rhianna Frost

Acting Portfolio

Ed Fringe Review, Chaucer All Strung Up

“Rhianna Frost, who plays Dorigen, was a joy to watch … and both physically and vocally captured her character’s innocence and playful charm beautifully.”

The Tab, Into The Woods

“Rhianna Frost’s Performance as Jack’s Mother is exemplary … without ever stealing the fore, Frost seems to drive the show forward whenever on stage. She resounds with us, somebody real … while demonstrating boundless energy and wonderful timing”

Varsity, The Importance of Being Earnest

“the real laughter is drawn by Rhianna Frost as the tempestuous Lady Bracknell

TCS, Trojan Women

“Rhianna Frost … dazzled as Cassandra.”

Varsity, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

“Rhianna Frost’s mischievous Puck … (was) particularly excellent.”

  • “The manifestation of the seven deadly sins was one of the most truly phenomenal and well-executed pieces of physical theatre I have ever seen – a credit to the actors, directors and creative team alike. I will not dull it with words: I can only urge you to go and see it for yourself.”

    Varsity, Doctor Faustus

  • “The first number of the show ('The Circle Of Life') Was nothing short of bombastic ... Rhianna Frost managed to fill the massive space with a voice to match. Elton would have been proud - and who would've thought such a little person could pack such a powerful voice?”

    The Tab, Disney in Trinity

  • "Outstanding physicality– right from the outset, the constant writhing of the three witches (Rhianna Frost, Julia Kass and Kate Reid) bring the world of the play to life. The disturbing fluidity of the witches’ movements ... worked well.”

    The Tab, Macbeth


Dramaturgy: Project Development